9 Shower Mistakes to Avoid for Curly Hair: Keep Curls Healthy

Shower mistakes to avoid for curly hair

I. Introduction

Curls are beautiful and people having curls are blessed. But taking care of curls is a whole new thing, it takes so much of love and care to keep your curls soft, smooth, defined and healthy. But sometimes, there are some basic mistakes which we tend to do, which damages our curls for long. In this blog, we will cover about the basic shower mistakes to avoid for curly hair.

Shower mistakes causes curls to be frizzy, dry and enhance the hair breakage. These mistakes should be avoided to keep your curls soft and healthy.

Let’s check out the shower mistakes to avoid for curly hair-

II. Shower Mistakes to Avoid for Curly Hair

Shower mistakes to avoid for curly hair

1. Using the Wrong Shampoo and Conditioner-

Everything starts by using a good, sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. Shampoos are not just for cleaning the scalp, they help to keep your curls soft and make them shiny. A good sulfate-free shampoo cleanses the scalp properly without stripping any natural oil from it.

It also helps to control the frizz and dryness in the scalp. Conditioners on the other hand, helps to make curls defined and detangle them.

Using a good hydrating shampoo and conditioner benefits the curls a lot.

2. Over washing or Under washing-

 This is the second most important point, which many of us tend to ignore. It is very necessary to make a good balance between over washing and under washing your curls.

Over washing- Washing your curls too much will make them dry and dehydrated. It will rip out the natural oil from the scalp and curls too, increasing the risk of damaged curls. Therefore, wash your curls twice a week with sulfate-free, hydrating shampoo.

Under washing– Not washing your curls at a proper interval makes the curls dirty and also causes dirt and dust to accumulate. Under washing your curls will create knots in the curls, which gets difficult to detangle.

3. Washing with Hot Water-

Washing your curls with hot water rips out the natural oil from the scalp. It makes your curls drier and dehydrated.

It is always recommended to wash your curls with lukewarm or cold water. This helps to lock the moisture in the hair, reduce frizz and give the curls a shine.

Giving your curls a last rinse with cold water, helps to soothe an irritated and dry scalp and also increases the blood circulation in the scalp.

4. Rough Towel Drying-

If you are still drying your hair in the old tradition method, then you are damaging your curls to a great extent. Vigorously drying your hair with simple towel causes friction in the hair and damages the strands to a great extent.

Therefore, it is very necessary to dry your hair properly, to keep the curls soft, smooth and healthy. Follow these proper techniques to dry your hair-

Pat dry your hair with microfiber towel. It reduces frizz and also repair the damaged curls.

5. Not using Co-Wash-

Co-washing means washing your hair with just water and conditioner. This process keeps your curls away from the chemicals and make them soft and smooth. If you wash your hair twice in a week, then it is recommended to use co-washing one time.

Co-washing helps to remove dirt, and pollution and is also gentle on your curls.

6. Skipping the Detangling Step-

Curls need to be detangled properly, because detangling curls when they are dry causes breakage in hair and also makes them frizzy. Therefore, it is necessary to detangle your delicate curls very properly.

The best way to detangle your curls is by using a wide-toothed comb and when they are still wet.

7. Not Using a Leave-In Conditioner-

Conditioner helps to provide moisture to the curls. They keep them nourished and hydrated and also keep the curls soft and smooth. Leave-in conditioner is used after you have washed your hair with shampoo and conditioner.

Leave-in conditioner are applied only on hair strands and not on the scalp. After applying the conditioner, do not wash it off instead keep them. The conditioner will get absorbed in the curls and keep them defined and sorted.

8. Scrubbing the Scalp Too Vigorously-

Many times people rub their scalp very vigorously while shampooing, in order to remove dirt and product build-ups. But doing so, damages your scalp and weakens the hair roots. It is very necessary to shampoo your hair very gently. Doing so, will keep the curls soft and smooth.

After applying shampoo, just massage it a little bit to enhance the circulation and remove the dirt and build-ups.

9. Ignoring the Importance of Deep Conditioning-

Deep conditioning your hair is like giving facial to your face. Doing this once a week, helps to keep your curls hydrated and nourished. We often tend to skip on the deep conditioning and this damages our curls in long run.

Every week, make it a routine to deep condition your curls. Apply your favorite hair mask, and cover it up for 30 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water followed by shampoo and conditioner.

III. Other Mistakes to Avoid Which Damages the Curls

Apart from the above shower mistakes, there are also some daily routine mistakes which we do, which damages our curls. Let’s check them out-

  • Not sleeping on satin pillowcases– Cotton pillowcases, causes hair to damage and as a result curls get split ends. Satin pillowcases, keep the curls soft and smooth and also keep them defined.
    • Not protecting your hair at night– It is necessary to protect your hair at night, as when you are sleeping the hair cells are at work to repair the damage, but if the curls are not protected properly at night, it will cause them to damage more.

    Therefore, either tie your hair in a braid, so that they are not tangled and does not cause knots or cover them up with a silk bonnet.

    • You sleep with wet hair- If anytime you sleep with your wet hair, you are causing them a big time damage. Your curls will also dry in a very strangely manner, if you go to sleep with a wet hair.

    Wet hair is fragile and breaks very easily. Therefore, take outmost care of your curls when they are wet.

    IV. Conclusion

    So, above are the shower mistakes to avoid for curly hair. Curly hair is born frizzy and dry. If you do not care for them properly, it will get damaged very soon. Curls require extra care and love to be healthy, soft and smooth. Avoiding the above shower mistakes, is one way to keep your curls defined properly.

    Also, before using any products for your curly hair, it is necessary to know your curl type and the products which suit your curls, this will help to keep them healthier.

    Do you use to do these shower mistakes for curly hair?


        1. How to repair the damaged curly hair?

        Well, the best way to repair the damaged curly hair is to use the right shampoo and conditioner. A damaged curly hair takes around 2-3 months to get back to normal and that too with proper care.

        2. How to dry your curly hair?

        There are many ways to dry your hair, first is Air-Drying, in this you leave your hair to dry naturally.
        Next is the Plopping method, where you curl your hair with the help of fingers.
        These are the two method to dry your curls.

        3. Which towel to use for drying curly hair?

        The best way to dry your curls is to use either a microfiber towel or a cotton t-shirt, both these won’t make your curls frizzy and dry.

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